Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chain Letter 9

Stacey watched the concert and could not stop thinking about him. “How would Keith ever like a girl like me?” After she thought the show was over Keith came out and had an encore presentation. Her heart raced as she endearingly loved the song. She was having so much fun she lost track of time and forgot the plan to get Keith back the beach. Suddenly she thought, “Were did Keith go?” He had already left the concert. Stacey stood there trying to bust her way through the huge crowd. She decided maybe before he would go to his next concert he would stop by the hotel to say goodbye. When she got back, the front desk gave her a note which said:
Dear Stacey,
It was a great experience traveling with you and saving you from the shark. I would like to spend more time with you but I can’t because I have an obligation to the tour.  I wish we could see each other again but I just don’t know how we could. Have a great life and live life to its fullest…
-Keith Urban
Stacey was almost in tears but suddenly she heard a recognizable voice that she thought may help her with her plan. Phileus Fog and Passaportout were just about to embark on their journey. Stacey asked which direction they were headed. They said “We are first headed for Paris, France.” Passaportout said with confidence. “Perfect!” Stacey thought to herself. Keith Urban’s next concert was there. “Can I still come along? I need to get to Paris to see Keith.” “Sure, anytime!” Phileus Fog stated. Stacey was very excited and nervous about her upcoming journey across the Atlantic…

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