Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chain Letter 14

The years passed swiftly for Stacey and Ken. Could it be true that they were going to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary already? Little Keith and Ariel were already 6 and 8 years old. What a voice Ariel had. Too bad Little Keith was tone deaf, but that just made his Dad laugh, “Just like your Uncle” he would say. “God had been good to us,” Stacey thought. How else could they explain having won the the $100,000,000.00 lottery? It was kind of fun to have a building named after their family at NRCA, but Stacey was getting tired of calls from the headmaster for more donations. “We need some adventure”, Stacey thought. They had just been to the IMAX theater to see the documentary about the Hubble telescope. That gave Stacey an idea, “I will donate money to the Russian Space Agency and buy four tickets for the next trip to the International Space Station!”, she declared. The kids thought this was fantastic. Ken was a little leery as roller coasters usually made him sick, but he reluctantly agreed. The launch day was set for April 1, 2011. They went through the pre-requisite training at the Russian Federal Space Academy, also known as Roskosmos, and before they knew it, were strapped into the capsule a top of a Proton rocket, with Captain Vlaz Perchopnik at the helm. “Des-syat, deh-vyat, vo-syem, syem, shest, pyat, cheteeree, tree, dva, raz”.....blast off!

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