Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chain Letter 13

Stacy was fascinated with herself now that she knew 3 languages! English, French, and Russian! Although this first thing the captain said was just random gibberish that he said to impress the wealthy Americans, she did not care she just sat down and enjoyed a good book as the Russian missile hurtled them through the emptiness that was outer space. As she had time to think to herself, she recalled how her life had drastically changed when Keith had disappeared from the planet with no evidence of where he had gone. She had just about fallen to sleep if it hadn't been for Ken who was always there to comfort her. "Мы здесь!" Yelled the captain (which Stacy perfectly understood as "We are here!"). The eager family gazed out the pod's window at the wonderful sight that was the moon. They all threw on their suits and jumped out to play as they had brought soccer balls and baseballs to play with once they got there. Suddenly over their radios there was sudden static interference and then a strange noise, music, Stacy thought, Impossible! This was the moon! But Stacy recognized the patterns, but she had not heard the music in 10 years! They decided to go explore. The family hopped into their moon vehicle (which looked oddly like a silver Range Rover Sport) and followed where the signal was most strong. Ahead in the distance she saw a large dome, strange, she thought, for the moon! They parked the vehicle outside and opened the door to find Keith playing a guitar on a stage in the center of the dome!!!!! "KEEIITHH!!!!!" she screamed as the two hugged each other after such long years of absence!!....

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