Monday, May 16, 2011

Chain Letter 10

Stacey was enjoying the cab ride. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Paris, and a bit warm for this time of the year. It was only around the noon hour, so Stacey would have some time to play tourist before the concert that night. It had been a very long flight, but she had caught her second “wind”, and was not feeling tired at all. The excitement of being in Paris on such a beautiful day, and getting to see Keith that night was more than enough inspiration to keep her going.
After driving away from the main city streets for just a few minutes, the cab pulled into a long, tree lined drive with beautiful grounds on both sides. “Where have your brought me?” inquired Stacey in her best, newest Rosetta Stone language. “Ah”, said the cabbie. “This is a most beautiful hotel and resort. Many famous people like to stay here when they come to Paris. It is close to the city, yet it is peaceful and quiet out here.” As they approached the elegant, almost castle-like hotel, Stacey could see some stables off to the right, with horses in a corral. “Can the guests ride the horses?” she inquired. “Why, yes. I believe you can” answered the cabbie. A very nicely dressed man opened the door for Stacey as they pulled up to the circular entryway. She paid for her cab ride, and entered one of the most beautiful lobby areas she had ever seen – even in movies. Feeling almost giddy, she told the woman behind the counter that she would be going to the Keith Urban concert that night. The clerk looked around, and then leaned forward towards Stacey a bit more, and whispered, “Don’t say I told you, but Mr. Urban and his entourage are all staying here at this hotel, too. Of course, Keith’s wife is here with him.” Stacey’s heart sank a bit, remembering that her hero is married to one of the most famous actresses in the world – a woman of truly stunning beauty. She decided that she would go for a horseback ride immediately to take her mind off of that sad fact. After checking into her room, she changed into some comfortable riding clothes (good thing she had brought the boots she had gotten earlier that year!), and headed out towards the stables.
Once there, she found the most beautiful brown and white paint horse. She walked right up to the powerful animal, and it was as though they had been rider and horse for years – they took right to each other with the confidence and respect that usually only comes after weeks or months of training. His name was Breaker, because he resembled the color of the surf as the waves break on the shore. Stacey had ridden many times before, so she convinced the stable guides that she would be just fine heading out on her own. Soon, she was racing across a meadow, the wind blowing through her hair, and thoroughly enjoying the ease with which this powerful animal could move so fast across the land. It was a thrill she knew she would never get tired of experiencing as long as she could ride. Suddenly, Breaker lunged forward, as his right, front hoof found a rabbit hole unexpectedly, and Stacey was thrown from the saddle as the two of them rolled several times before finally stopping in a crumpled heap. Stacey must have been unconscious for a short time, because she could not remember anyone else being there until she felt someone touching her shoulder and asking if she was alright. She slowly opened her eyes, and as they finally came into focus, she realized it was Keith kneeling beside her in the field. “Keith”, she said. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” “Well, I was out riding myself, when I saw you take that nasty spill”, he replied. “Oh, and by the way. I’m not Keith. I’m his little known twin brother. My name is Ken.”

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