Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chain Letter 5

When they had reached Buddy’s house, they realized that Stacy was no longer on the sleigh. They all just thought that she had been sleeping in the back for it was still very early in the morning. Susan, one of Santa’s favorite elves who had accompanied him to New York, realized that they were not going to be able to go to Hogwarts, they would have to embark upon a massive journey to find Stacey! She must have fallen off the back of the sleigh! Santa rounded up a few off his best and strongest elves to conduct a search party. They figured that she would have to be somewhere between Ontario, Canada; and the Southern Hudson Bay. The team commenced the great search for Stacy. They searched high and low for her all night and to no avail. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. This was a crucial day ahead.

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