Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chain Letter 2

Stacy helps Buddy search throughout the park for the engine to Santa’s sleigh. Finally, they find the engine deep in some bushes that helped to cushion its fall, so it’s not even damaged. Stacy helps Buddy carry the engine over a short hill, and there is Santa and his sleigh, complete with reindeer. Stacy cannot believe her eyes! Santa begins to tell Stacy how much he appreciates her help in getting his engine back to him, but Buddy stops him, and points out that Stacy cannot hear because she is deaf. Santa is deeply moved by the heart this young lady has shown, and he gives her a piece of paper and a pen, and asks her to write down whatever she would like for Christmas, as a token of his appreciation for her help. Stacy takes only a couple of minutes to write something on the paper, and hands it back to Santa.
The first sound Stacy heard was the scream of a woman just over the ridge…

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