Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chain Letter 12

Stacey’s heart was beating so fast she could hear it…..Was it that she was standing at the base of the Eiffel Tower? Or that she was on the front row of the Keith Urban concert? Or standing on that front row beside Ken?....who really did look exactly like Keith. How did she already have this instant connection with him? The crowd was on their feet, (thank goodness she had been able to get some funky Viktor and Rolf shoes!) the “concert fog” had rolled in and the loud but random applause and yelling had transitioned to a steady and repeating clap timed with chants of KEITH!, KEITH!, KEITH!... Keith was standing as the fog cleared and when the crowd grew silent, he started with an emotional opening song: “But For The Grace of God”. (Stacey heard someone directly behind her scream “BLESS YOU!!!” She glanced back at the beautiful tall blonde American lady with cool glasses who yelled. She had an extremely handsome family. She, her husband, two sons and daughter all had NRCA t-shirts on. She wondered what that stood for….. :).) When the song finished, Keith explained that God had given him so many wonderful things- including some real tests and hardships that eventually brought him closer to God. He went on to say, “One of the most special people in my life, helped me change the direction of my life and that person is here tonight, my brother Ken. In appreciation for all that you have done for me, little brother, I have asked someone to come help me sing one of your favorite songs. I love you little brother!” The stage went totally dark, the lights on the Eiffel Tower were electric blue for the night but they didn’t allow much light at all. In the darkness, the music started for “Just The Way You Are” and when the lights eased on, there stood Bruno Mars beside Keith! Stacey couldnt believe THIS was one of Ken's favorite songs, too....

Even though so many amazing things had happened over the past few weeks, this was a night Stacey would never forget. She was still humming "Just The Way You Are" as she drifted to sleep in her fabulous hotel room.....

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