Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chain Letter 8

When Stacey woke up back in the hotel room overlooking Central Park, she realized that she must have been exhausted! She remembered having a nightmare, wanting to take a stroll to get things off her mind and vaguely remembered shuffling back in with her flashlight and map. Her dream seemed so real! She rubbed her eyes, blinked purposefully and tried to focus on her surroundings. Yes, she still had on her pink polka dot flannel pjs! With the slow realization that she had watched “Elf” one too many times, she blurted out a laugh. She instantly leaped onto her feet with her eyes now as opened as they had ever been! She blurted out the same laugh again. And again! She could NOT believe her ears! That’s right her EARS! She really could hear! She had no idea how incredibly loud she was and she didn’t care!! With a boisterous bang, Keith and the front desk attendant burst through the door, both out of breath. Keith had heard the loud noises and knew that Stacey wouldn’t hear a knock on the door. He hurried down to the front desk for a key and there they were.
For a brief moment, she forgot that Keith was in New York with her. Although they hadn’t known each other long, she felt relieved he was there and at the same time excited and nervous he was there! Was he glad to be there? What was he thinking? Were they still going to travel with their balloon hosts? All these things swirled in her mind with one resounding thought: why were these wonderful things happening to her?!

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