Monday, May 23, 2011

Chain Letter 17

Ken was at Stacey’s side as soon as he could get there. The paramedics said that she was banged up and bruised a bit, and might have a concussion, but she was going to be just fine. They would need to take her to the hospital for a few tests and to observer her. Ken was relieved, but only partially. His twin brother had obviously not fared as well.
As advanced as things had become on the moon, they didn’t have a good trauma center hospital, so Keith would have to be taken via ambulance back to earth. It was a long and dangerous journey for someone in as bad a condition as Keith now was. They had quickly determined that there was some head trauma, and several broken bones, but perhaps the most significant for Keith – his throat had been partially crushed. They had to perform an emergency tracheotomy just so he could breathe. Even if he did survive, he may never sing, again. Stacey, Ken and the boys all traveled along back to earth just behind the ambulance, getting updates as the journey progressed. The used the high def video connection equipment from Cisco to talk with Keith’s wife back in Australia, so she was aware, and heading to meet the ambulance. One of the best trauma centers in the world was in, of all places, Baghdad, Iraq. Still an unstable place after almost 2 decades of democracy, they had developed excellent trauma skills in their main hospital from all the casualties. They would have to chance the landing there, despite the dangers.
It was almost midnight in Baghdad as they arrived at the international space station, Terminal A. The medi-vac helicopter was waiting to take them, when suddenly; out of the sky to the west, a surface to air missile was launched in their direction…

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chain Letter 15

Suddenly, Stacey feels someone grabbing her by the shoulders and screaming, “Stacey! Wake up Stacey!” This beautiful dream comes crashing down and she is quickly immersed into a horrific reality. “Oh, thank God!”, Ken exclaims after he sees her come back to consciousness. Stacey looks around and sees chaos all around her. Her head was throbbing as she noticed that her vehicle’s windshield was shattered and the front of the car was bashed in. From what she could figure, she had been sent flying from her car after colliding with Keith and had smashed her head on the ground. But almost more horrifying, was the state of Keith’s car. Not only was his windshield broken and front destroyed, but his car had been flipped several times.
She looked and could see a crowd of people surrounding the driver’s side of his vehicle, with two emergency workers in the middle. She knew that Keith was the one being attended to. Her eyes began to fill with tears as several emergency workers came sprinting to her side. They began to check up on her and asked her several questions, but all she could do was focus on Keith. She soon saw a stretcher being brought over to his position as she could see his lifeless body being secured down…

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chain Letter 13

Stacy was fascinated with herself now that she knew 3 languages! English, French, and Russian! Although this first thing the captain said was just random gibberish that he said to impress the wealthy Americans, she did not care she just sat down and enjoyed a good book as the Russian missile hurtled them through the emptiness that was outer space. As she had time to think to herself, she recalled how her life had drastically changed when Keith had disappeared from the planet with no evidence of where he had gone. She had just about fallen to sleep if it hadn't been for Ken who was always there to comfort her. "Мы здесь!" Yelled the captain (which Stacy perfectly understood as "We are here!"). The eager family gazed out the pod's window at the wonderful sight that was the moon. They all threw on their suits and jumped out to play as they had brought soccer balls and baseballs to play with once they got there. Suddenly over their radios there was sudden static interference and then a strange noise, music, Stacy thought, Impossible! This was the moon! But Stacy recognized the patterns, but she had not heard the music in 10 years! They decided to go explore. The family hopped into their moon vehicle (which looked oddly like a silver Range Rover Sport) and followed where the signal was most strong. Ahead in the distance she saw a large dome, strange, she thought, for the moon! They parked the vehicle outside and opened the door to find Keith playing a guitar on a stage in the center of the dome!!!!! "KEEIITHH!!!!!" she screamed as the two hugged each other after such long years of absence!!....

Friday, May 20, 2011

Chain Letter 16

As Stacey woke up the next morning on the moon she remembered how much fun she had with Ken and Keith last night. But she still was in shock that she was on the moon! Soon she would be leaving back to her home in San Francisco. “Stacey is there anything you want to do on the moon before you leave the moon?” Keith asked. “Let’s race the moon cars!” Stacey knew she would have fun, she loved the moon cars and it would be fun to see the moon more. “Ok let’s do it!” Keith and Stacey both got into their moon cars and started their engines. Their goal was to go all the way to the fifth crater, circle it, and head back. It was going to be quite an adventure. When the race started she could feel the power of the car racing through the space air. “This is amazing!” She thought to herself. After seeing four amazing craters of the moon she is coming round the fifth crater. Going very fast she hit a pot hole and the car started to flip over and over again. She could not get the car to stop rolling. Stacey became very scared…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chain Letter 14

The years passed swiftly for Stacey and Ken. Could it be true that they were going to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary already? Little Keith and Ariel were already 6 and 8 years old. What a voice Ariel had. Too bad Little Keith was tone deaf, but that just made his Dad laugh, “Just like your Uncle” he would say. “God had been good to us,” Stacey thought. How else could they explain having won the the $100,000,000.00 lottery? It was kind of fun to have a building named after their family at NRCA, but Stacey was getting tired of calls from the headmaster for more donations. “We need some adventure”, Stacey thought. They had just been to the IMAX theater to see the documentary about the Hubble telescope. That gave Stacey an idea, “I will donate money to the Russian Space Agency and buy four tickets for the next trip to the International Space Station!”, she declared. The kids thought this was fantastic. Ken was a little leery as roller coasters usually made him sick, but he reluctantly agreed. The launch day was set for April 1, 2011. They went through the pre-requisite training at the Russian Federal Space Academy, also known as Roskosmos, and before they knew it, were strapped into the capsule a top of a Proton rocket, with Captain Vlaz Perchopnik at the helm. “Des-syat, deh-vyat, vo-syem, syem, shest, pyat, cheteeree, tree, dva, raz”.....blast off!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chain Letter 12

Stacey’s heart was beating so fast she could hear it…..Was it that she was standing at the base of the Eiffel Tower? Or that she was on the front row of the Keith Urban concert? Or standing on that front row beside Ken?....who really did look exactly like Keith. How did she already have this instant connection with him? The crowd was on their feet, (thank goodness she had been able to get some funky Viktor and Rolf shoes!) the “concert fog” had rolled in and the loud but random applause and yelling had transitioned to a steady and repeating clap timed with chants of KEITH!, KEITH!, KEITH!... Keith was standing as the fog cleared and when the crowd grew silent, he started with an emotional opening song: “But For The Grace of God”. (Stacey heard someone directly behind her scream “BLESS YOU!!!” She glanced back at the beautiful tall blonde American lady with cool glasses who yelled. She had an extremely handsome family. She, her husband, two sons and daughter all had NRCA t-shirts on. She wondered what that stood for….. :).) When the song finished, Keith explained that God had given him so many wonderful things- including some real tests and hardships that eventually brought him closer to God. He went on to say, “One of the most special people in my life, helped me change the direction of my life and that person is here tonight, my brother Ken. In appreciation for all that you have done for me, little brother, I have asked someone to come help me sing one of your favorite songs. I love you little brother!” The stage went totally dark, the lights on the Eiffel Tower were electric blue for the night but they didn’t allow much light at all. In the darkness, the music started for “Just The Way You Are” and when the lights eased on, there stood Bruno Mars beside Keith! Stacey couldnt believe THIS was one of Ken's favorite songs, too....

Even though so many amazing things had happened over the past few weeks, this was a night Stacey would never forget. She was still humming "Just The Way You Are" as she drifted to sleep in her fabulous hotel room.....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chain Letter 11

Stacey woke up to the face of a doctor who informed her that she had suffered a concussion but was not severely wounded. She would just have to be especially careful to not fall on her head in the next few weeks. In no time she was out of the Western Wing and off to her room to tidy up for the concert. She was very excited and she had purchased a dress at Neiman Marcus on her earlier shopping trip that morning. Just as she was about to leave her hotel room, she heard a knock at the door. It was Ken. He asked her if she would like to accompany him to the concert. She answered yes before Ken had finished talking. She grabbed her purse and set off down to the lobby. Ken had ordered a fleet of silver Range Rovers to take them to the concert. Little did he know that this was Stacey's favorite car! The couple set off towards the concert which happened to be at the base of the Eiffel Tower. This was Stacey's favorite landmark. She knew that tonight was going to be one of the best ever!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chain Letter 10

Stacey was enjoying the cab ride. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Paris, and a bit warm for this time of the year. It was only around the noon hour, so Stacey would have some time to play tourist before the concert that night. It had been a very long flight, but she had caught her second “wind”, and was not feeling tired at all. The excitement of being in Paris on such a beautiful day, and getting to see Keith that night was more than enough inspiration to keep her going.
After driving away from the main city streets for just a few minutes, the cab pulled into a long, tree lined drive with beautiful grounds on both sides. “Where have your brought me?” inquired Stacey in her best, newest Rosetta Stone language. “Ah”, said the cabbie. “This is a most beautiful hotel and resort. Many famous people like to stay here when they come to Paris. It is close to the city, yet it is peaceful and quiet out here.” As they approached the elegant, almost castle-like hotel, Stacey could see some stables off to the right, with horses in a corral. “Can the guests ride the horses?” she inquired. “Why, yes. I believe you can” answered the cabbie. A very nicely dressed man opened the door for Stacey as they pulled up to the circular entryway. She paid for her cab ride, and entered one of the most beautiful lobby areas she had ever seen – even in movies. Feeling almost giddy, she told the woman behind the counter that she would be going to the Keith Urban concert that night. The clerk looked around, and then leaned forward towards Stacey a bit more, and whispered, “Don’t say I told you, but Mr. Urban and his entourage are all staying here at this hotel, too. Of course, Keith’s wife is here with him.” Stacey’s heart sank a bit, remembering that her hero is married to one of the most famous actresses in the world – a woman of truly stunning beauty. She decided that she would go for a horseback ride immediately to take her mind off of that sad fact. After checking into her room, she changed into some comfortable riding clothes (good thing she had brought the boots she had gotten earlier that year!), and headed out towards the stables.
Once there, she found the most beautiful brown and white paint horse. She walked right up to the powerful animal, and it was as though they had been rider and horse for years – they took right to each other with the confidence and respect that usually only comes after weeks or months of training. His name was Breaker, because he resembled the color of the surf as the waves break on the shore. Stacey had ridden many times before, so she convinced the stable guides that she would be just fine heading out on her own. Soon, she was racing across a meadow, the wind blowing through her hair, and thoroughly enjoying the ease with which this powerful animal could move so fast across the land. It was a thrill she knew she would never get tired of experiencing as long as she could ride. Suddenly, Breaker lunged forward, as his right, front hoof found a rabbit hole unexpectedly, and Stacey was thrown from the saddle as the two of them rolled several times before finally stopping in a crumpled heap. Stacey must have been unconscious for a short time, because she could not remember anyone else being there until she felt someone touching her shoulder and asking if she was alright. She slowly opened her eyes, and as they finally came into focus, she realized it was Keith kneeling beside her in the field. “Keith”, she said. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” “Well, I was out riding myself, when I saw you take that nasty spill”, he replied. “Oh, and by the way. I’m not Keith. I’m his little known twin brother. My name is Ken.”

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chain Letter 9

Stacey watched the concert and could not stop thinking about him. “How would Keith ever like a girl like me?” After she thought the show was over Keith came out and had an encore presentation. Her heart raced as she endearingly loved the song. She was having so much fun she lost track of time and forgot the plan to get Keith back the beach. Suddenly she thought, “Were did Keith go?” He had already left the concert. Stacey stood there trying to bust her way through the huge crowd. She decided maybe before he would go to his next concert he would stop by the hotel to say goodbye. When she got back, the front desk gave her a note which said:
Dear Stacey,
It was a great experience traveling with you and saving you from the shark. I would like to spend more time with you but I can’t because I have an obligation to the tour.  I wish we could see each other again but I just don’t know how we could. Have a great life and live life to its fullest…
-Keith Urban
Stacey was almost in tears but suddenly she heard a recognizable voice that she thought may help her with her plan. Phileus Fog and Passaportout were just about to embark on their journey. Stacey asked which direction they were headed. They said “We are first headed for Paris, France.” Passaportout said with confidence. “Perfect!” Stacey thought to herself. Keith Urban’s next concert was there. “Can I still come along? I need to get to Paris to see Keith.” “Sure, anytime!” Phileus Fog stated. Stacey was very excited and nervous about her upcoming journey across the Atlantic…

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chain Letter 8

When Stacey woke up back in the hotel room overlooking Central Park, she realized that she must have been exhausted! She remembered having a nightmare, wanting to take a stroll to get things off her mind and vaguely remembered shuffling back in with her flashlight and map. Her dream seemed so real! She rubbed her eyes, blinked purposefully and tried to focus on her surroundings. Yes, she still had on her pink polka dot flannel pjs! With the slow realization that she had watched “Elf” one too many times, she blurted out a laugh. She instantly leaped onto her feet with her eyes now as opened as they had ever been! She blurted out the same laugh again. And again! She could NOT believe her ears! That’s right her EARS! She really could hear! She had no idea how incredibly loud she was and she didn’t care!! With a boisterous bang, Keith and the front desk attendant burst through the door, both out of breath. Keith had heard the loud noises and knew that Stacey wouldn’t hear a knock on the door. He hurried down to the front desk for a key and there they were.
For a brief moment, she forgot that Keith was in New York with her. Although they hadn’t known each other long, she felt relieved he was there and at the same time excited and nervous he was there! Was he glad to be there? What was he thinking? Were they still going to travel with their balloon hosts? All these things swirled in her mind with one resounding thought: why were these wonderful things happening to her?!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Chain Letter 7

Stacy came down to the lobby and wandered into the lounge. By the piano Keith Urban was singing “I Want To Kiss a Girl”. It was the most enchanting thing that Stacy had ever experienced. Emotion was transcended into sound and she felt vital and alive. She instinctively came up to the microphone and burst into song. A hush fell over the bustling crowd. The voice of an angel wafted over those in attendance and left them transfixed and clamoring for more. To thunderous applause, Stacey sang song after song, and was declared an overnight sensation. Simon Cowell, after seeing the New York Times music review, called her the next day and signed on as her agent. She was booked at the NHL Stanley Cup Finals to sing the National Anthem, but was cautioned to not screw up the lines. Stacey had always been shy growing up, but with the gift of hearing, and after discovering her voice, those old insecurities faded away. Keith Urban was cute all right, but his wife Nichole Kidman was wary of the younger Stacey, and Keith left for a solo tour of his own. Simon Cowell booked a 20 city tour for Stacey, and it was sold out at every venue. She had a private audience at the White House to sing for President Obama, and later flew to Paris to sing for the President of France, Nicholas Zarkozy. As the desire of others grew to hear her sing, her own desire began to fade. She longed for the quite solace that was her life before she was giving the gift of hearing. Certainly there must be more to life than just being a canary in a cage. It was then that Stacey knew she had to leave the world stage, and in a flash of clairvoyance, knew that the next thing she had to do was.........

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Chain Letter 6

Hmmm Santa said as he rubbed his hands through his full, coursebeard. A thick silence hung in the cold wintry air as Santa, with aperplexed expression upon his face, contemplated Susan's request.Buddy was fidgeting and obviously losing patience. What is Hogwarts?Where is it? Do they really have dragons and witches? Are they good orbad? Do they have candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup? What’syour favorite color Susan? Santa cast an annoyed glance at Buddy andthen turned to Susan. This is not impossible however if I take youthere it may put you in grave danger. Is this Really where you want togo? Without any hesitation Susan blurted out "oh yes please Santa”.Alright replied Santa then we are off but first We must return Buddyto his family.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chain Letter 5

When they had reached Buddy’s house, they realized that Stacy was no longer on the sleigh. They all just thought that she had been sleeping in the back for it was still very early in the morning. Susan, one of Santa’s favorite elves who had accompanied him to New York, realized that they were not going to be able to go to Hogwarts, they would have to embark upon a massive journey to find Stacey! She must have fallen off the back of the sleigh! Santa rounded up a few off his best and strongest elves to conduct a search party. They figured that she would have to be somewhere between Ontario, Canada; and the Southern Hudson Bay. The team commenced the great search for Stacy. They searched high and low for her all night and to no avail. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. This was a crucial day ahead.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chain Letter 4

Naturally, Stacy looked in the direction of the scream, but she wasn’t afraid. Instead she had a puzzled look on her face. She didn’t know what the scream meant, for she had never heard one before. She heard all kinds of sounds from the city. It was loud, but she didn’t care. She could hear! The next thing she knew, she heard Santa shouting. “It’s the park rangers!” he yelled. “Let’s get out of here! Hop in!” Stacy and Buddy both jumped into the sleigh and Santa took off. Up they went—higher and higher until they were suddenly looking down on all of the buildings of New York City. Stacy had seen the city from above when she first arrived in the hot air balloon, but it was even more stunning at night. “It’s so beautiful!” she exclaimed. Santa looked over at her “So little lady, where would you like to go? Anywhere you’d like! I am Santa after all.” Stacy thought for a minute. Anywhere? Oh the places she could go! Just then Stacy knew where she wanted to go. There was one place in particular that she had always wanted to visit. Growing up, she had read books about this magical place with witches and wizards, dragons and elves. “Hogwarts,” she said. “I would like to go to Hogwarts.”

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chain Letter 3

Wandering through New York, they were all amazed at the sights and how beautiful they were. They were all exhausted and Sir Phileas suggested they all take a night of rest at a Holiday Inn Express. After they checked in, Sir Phileas and Passapartout invited the lifeguard and Stacy (the girl) to join them on their trip to circumnavigate the globe. Keith Urban and Stacy both were a little uneasy but agreed knowing this would be an amazing experience. That night the girl woke up abruptly from a nightmare and could not fall back to sleep. To get her mind of the nightmare she decided to take a stroll through New York’s Central Park....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chain Letter 2

Stacy helps Buddy search throughout the park for the engine to Santa’s sleigh. Finally, they find the engine deep in some bushes that helped to cushion its fall, so it’s not even damaged. Stacy helps Buddy carry the engine over a short hill, and there is Santa and his sleigh, complete with reindeer. Stacy cannot believe her eyes! Santa begins to tell Stacy how much he appreciates her help in getting his engine back to him, but Buddy stops him, and points out that Stacy cannot hear because she is deaf. Santa is deeply moved by the heart this young lady has shown, and he gives her a piece of paper and a pen, and asks her to write down whatever she would like for Christmas, as a token of his appreciation for her help. Stacy takes only a couple of minutes to write something on the paper, and hands it back to Santa.
The first sound Stacy heard was the scream of a woman just over the ridge…

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chain Letter #1

Just to let ya know, this aren't in any particular order, so they may not make any sense or flow well.

As the two were trying to make it to the shore, the girl was marveling at the enormous biceps of this strange lifeguard who, for some reason, was trying to get her back to shore. All of the sudden, and enormous rope suddenly fell from the sky and the life guard gestured for her to climb up this strange rope. As she looked up she saw an enormous balloon, the biggest she has ever seen, with two strange European men dangling below it. What in the world? she thought, When they climbed into the balloon's basket she finally looked down to see why she so desperately needed to get out of the water, and she looked just in time to see a huge fish with maybe a thousand teeth grabbing at the rope. She was very alarmed but the attractive life guard was there to keep her safe. She asked the two strange men for some paper and a pen and she wrote down some questions to ask them, fist, she asked what the life guard's name was. He replied on the sheet of paper "Keith Urban". She then asked the two men who they were, and they answered with their information about their journey and where they were headed. Then suddenly one of them pointed and she realized they had just arrived at a large city with huge buildings, this answered her question, New York. She had heard of this place but had never been because this girl was from the country. As they were lowered down on the ropes the city all of the sudden appeared much bigger than it had from the sky! Her and the life guard soon communicated to each other about getting some new clothes because it was much colder here than the beach. They soon got some warmer clothes and started out to explore this wonderful place...