Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Miami Heat

Throughout the history of sports, it has been well-known that the best teams have struggled at some point. The new big three of South Beach are no exception to this principle, although many never saw it coming. The Heat have lost five straight, all of which have been against quality teams that they could face in the playoffs. It appears as if the players aren't quite comfortable playing in this type of system, but why should they be? No other players in history have had so much talent in their starting lineup as this team does.

What many people are wondering is if this will last. Will the "Big Three" fail? Will they ever actually compete for a championship? The answer is far too simple: yes. They will get their game back, and any who doubt it our stupid. The team is struggling now, that's it. In an eighty-two game season, it'll happen. What separates the good teams from the bad teams is how long it takes to fix it and how they respond.

The Heat will play the defending champion Lakers next, a perfect opportunity for them to shut up their critics, or just give them more to feed on. I believe the
Heat will show that they have talent and can build off one another against the Champs. Winning that game will no doubt spring them forward through the rest of the season and I believe will be their signature victory of the regular season.

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