Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chain Letter NO.2

Stacey had to make sure that she looked her best before going back out and facing Roberto. She fixed her blonde locks to make sure they looked perfect, checked her makeup, and made sure her outfit was without a single blemish. She walked out of the bathroom with a sense of purpose and an ease in her manner. As she walked by Roberto’s seat, she gave him a look and he returned with a glance of his own.”Yep, he noticed me”, she thought proudly to herself. She returned to her seat very content and much happier than before.

The rest of her flight went by fairly quick and they landed in Paris right on time. On her way off, she made eye contact with Roberto one last time, but now, she had to focus on the task at hand. She quickly recovered her luggage from the baggage claim area and found a taxi waiting near by. She hopped in and asked where to find a nice hotel. The man, puzzled by her question, began to speak in French.”Oh of course.”, she said to herself. She grabbed her French translator and then proceeded to say, ”Où puis-je trouver un bon hôtel?” The man’s face then lit up and he answered. “Oh je sais l'endroit parfait, ma petite dame.”, which means, “Oh, I know the perfect place, little lady.” Stacy became very excited as she was off on a new and thrilling adventure.

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