Friday, March 4, 2011

Chain Letter NO.3

Ken and Stacey arrived at the stable in what seemed like only a few seconds. Even though she was in pain, Stacey didn’t want that ride to end. Being there with him felt so right to her and the idea that it was actually happening still hadn’t settled in. Being concerned for Stacy, Ken carefully helped her off of the saddle and carried her to the hotel lobby. The woman at the front desk gave once quick glance at the two, then realized the seriousness of Stacy’s condition and rushed to their aid. Ken explained what had happened and asked if there was a doctor to be found. “Oh of course.”, replied the woman. “We have our own personal doctor here on the hotel site. If you could take her to the Western Wing, I’ll call one of the nurses over there and have them prepare things for your arrival.” Ken did exactly as he was directed and rushed her to the West Wing.
Just as the woman had said, the nurses had everything ready upon their arrival. “If you could just have her seated in this wheel-chair, we will take her back to see Dr. Huddly immediately.”, said one of the nurses. Ken gently placed her in the chair and watched as the nurse rushed her into one of the back rooms…

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