Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chain Letter NO.4

Suddenly, Stacey feels someone grabbing her by the shoulders and screaming, “Stacey! Wake up Stacey!” This beautiful dream comes crashing down and she is quickly immersed into a horrific reality. “Oh, thank God!”, Ken exclaims after he sees her come back to consciousness. Stacey looks around and sees chaos all around her. Her head was throbbing as she noticed that her vehicle’s windshield was shattered and the front of the car was bashed in. From what she could figure, she had been sent flying from her car after colliding with Keith and had smashed her head on the ground. But almost more horrifying, was the state of Keith’s car. Not only was his windshield broken and front destroyed, but his car had been flipped several times.
She looked and could see a crowd of people surrounding the driver’s side of his vehicle, with two emergency workers in the middle. She knew that Keith was the one being attended to. Her eyes began to fill with tears as several emergency workers came sprinting to her side. They began to check up on her and asked her several questions, but all she could do was focus on Keith. She soon saw a stretcher being brought over to his position as she could see his lifeless body being secured down…

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