Saturday, March 19, 2011

Busy Weekend

This past week has been one of the busiest and stressful weeks of the school year. Six tests and numerous quizzes really did a number on me and a lazy weekend is really what I need right now, but unfortunately, that is not what I'm getting. Instead, teachers have decided to pile on some extra homework. I understand that things must get done in a class, but to consider the other classes is borderline ridiculous. But if that was my only problem this weekend, I would be fine, but I'm new at Auto Bell as of three weeks ago, so I cant turn down any hours. I love working there, but it still takes a lot of energy and time. Next on that, my hockey season starts, thus I have my first hockey game in almost an entire year, as I took the fall season off. Yes, this is going to be a very long weekend.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tragedy in Japan

In the past week, we have seen the horrors of what has occurred in Japan. It seems to be just one thing after another for them. First, the massive 8.6 earthquake that shut down several cities and shifted Japans mass as a whole. Next, they experienced the massive tsunami that left chaos and wreckage wherever it went. Finally, the nuclear reactors are causing serious problems and could potentially bring forth more concern. The first two disasters could be handled, and Japan was taking them very well, but this finally calamity could bring a nation to its knees. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Japanese, as there is no telling how they will be able to get over this, seeing how they are the first to ever experience such a horrendous tragedy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


There is no reason that I'm writing this entry other than the fact that I'm watching Kentucky and Princeton tied in the final minute of their game and I need another entry. Theres ten secs left....HE got it! HAHA yeah! I really need Kentucky to win cause I have them going kinda far in some of my brackets and i could not handle another upset right now. Theres 2 secs left, KU has a two point lead. I really dont want Princeton to win. Yes, I love a good upset, but not one i didnt expect in my bracket. Here we go...he missed! Yea! Ok, this was fun. I might be doing this for a lot of my entries, just fyi.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Radio Announcers

I was leaving school today and the tournament had started. I quickly tuned my radio in to 99.9fm THE FAN and began listening to the announcers. Louisville was playing Morehead St. and there were only 20 secs left. Louisville had a two point lead, but Morehead St. had the ball. Of course, I assumed that Louisville was going to hold the 13 Seed and move on to the next round. The announcer spoke exactly what he saw as every listener, including myself, was on the edge of their seat. The other announcer was saying,"I dont like this. I dont like this!" as he stated his thoughts about the Morehead St. offense as they were setting up a play with the clock ticking. The main announcer continued on his dictation of the action as the clock ticked to 5 secs. Quickly, the shooter faked the drive inward, and faded back for the 3-point shot and the win. The announcer said,"He drives, steps back, throws up the three..." The words that proceeded are what every fan wants to hear, regardless of their bracket."He got it!" Being the intense sports fan that I am, I immediately began to scream and the goose-bumps shortly followed. I honestly dont know what it is about the words "He got it", but I love them. I cannot wait for this tournament to continue and for the fun to keep on going. This is definitely one of my favorite months.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NCAA Bracket

This years NCAA tournament is certain to be a great one. No one or two teams has emerged during the regular season as a clear cut favorite to win it all and it appears that almost every lower seed has the chance of pulling off the upset. Did I predict every upset? No, but I do try to pick the most reasonable ones. Some people play not to lose, I play to win. This often backfires, but can occasionally bring unmatched satisfaction. I like Ohio State, Kansas, Pitt, and Uconn in the Final Four, even though I was greatly tempted to change this numerous times. I easily could have put Syracuse or UNC instead of Ohio State, Notre Dame or Purdue instead of Kansas, Duke or SDSU instead of Uconn, or St. Johns instead of Pitt, and trust me, I thought about doing most of those. I like Uconn over Ohio State and Kansas over Pitt, setting up Uconn and Kansas in the final. Kansas has much more depth, but I really like what Uconn did in the Big East tournament and that is why I like Uconn to win the 2011 NCAA National Championship.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I cannot remember life without youtube. Getting on youtube is a daily routine for most people these days and I was wondering, and honestly, what did we do before youtube? Where were all the videos? To be honest, it would be absolutely horrible. It would be so difficult to share videos, find good ones, or watch the really bad ones (i.e. Friday). So heres to you, youtube. Dont know where we'd be without you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

End of Quarters

I'm going to make this short and sweet: I hate the end of quarters. I understand that teachers have to get their test and quiz grades in, but please, I'm begging you, don't all do it at the same time. I have had six tests in this one week and I cannot wait for this horrible week to be over, as long as I maintained my A's. I'd be lying if I didnt say that being exempt from the exam is the main reason i strive for an A in any class.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chain Letter NO.7

As Stacey woke up the next morning on the moon she remembered how much fun she had with Ken and Keith last night. But she still was in shock that she was on the moon! Soon she would be leaving back to her home in San Francisco. “Stacey is there anything you want to do on the moon before you leave the moon?” Keith asked. “Let’s race the moon cars!” Stacey knew she would have fun, she loved the moon cars and it would be fun to see the moon more. “Ok let’s do it!” Keith and Stacey both got into their moon cars and started their engines. Their goal was to go all the way to the fifth crater, circle it, and head back. It was going to be quite an adventure. When the race started she could feel the power of the car racing through the space air. “This is amazing!” She thought to herself. After seeing four amazing craters of the moon she is coming round the fifth crater. Going very fast she hit a pot hole and the car started to flip over and over again. She could not get the car to stop rolling. Stacey became very scared…

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Miami Heat

Throughout the history of sports, it has been well-known that the best teams have struggled at some point. The new big three of South Beach are no exception to this principle, although many never saw it coming. The Heat have lost five straight, all of which have been against quality teams that they could face in the playoffs. It appears as if the players aren't quite comfortable playing in this type of system, but why should they be? No other players in history have had so much talent in their starting lineup as this team does.

What many people are wondering is if this will last. Will the "Big Three" fail? Will they ever actually compete for a championship? The answer is far too simple: yes. They will get their game back, and any who doubt it our stupid. The team is struggling now, that's it. In an eighty-two game season, it'll happen. What separates the good teams from the bad teams is how long it takes to fix it and how they respond.

The Heat will play the defending champion Lakers next, a perfect opportunity for them to shut up their critics, or just give them more to feed on. I believe the
Heat will show that they have talent and can build off one another against the Champs. Winning that game will no doubt spring them forward through the rest of the season and I believe will be their signature victory of the regular season.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chain Letter NO. 6

Stacey watched the concert and could not stop thinking about him. “How would Keith ever like a girl like me?” After she thought the show was over Keith came out and had an encore presentation. Her heart raced as she endearingly loved the song. She was having so much fun she lost track of time and forgot the plan to get Keith back to the beach. Suddenly she thought, “Were did Keith go?” He had already left the concert. Stacey stood there trying to bust her way through the huge crowd. She decided maybe before he would go to his next concert he would stop by the hotel to say goodbye. When she got back, the front desk gave her a note which said:
Dear Stacey,
It was a great experience traveling with you and saving you from the shark. I would like to spend more time with you but I can’t because I have an obligation to the tour. I wish we could see each other again but I just don’t know how we could. Have a great life and live life to its fullest…
-Keith Urban
Stacey was almost in tears but suddenly she heard a recognizable voice that she thought may help her with her plan. Phileus Fog and Passaportout were just about to embark on their journey. Stacey asked which direction they were headed. They said “We are first headed for Paris, France.” Passaportout said with confidence. “Perfect!” Stacey thought to herself. Keith Urban’s next concert was there. “Can I still come along? I need to get to Paris to see Keith.” “Sure, anytime!” Phileus Fog stated. Stacey was very excited and nervous about her upcoming journey across the Atlantic…

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chain Letter NO. 5

Wandering through New York, they were all amazed at the sights and how beautiful it was. They were all exhausted and Sir Phileas suggested they all take a night of rest at a Holiday Inn Express. After they checked in, Sir Phileas and Passapartout invited the lifeguard and Stacy (the girl) to join them on their trip to circumnavigate the globe. Keith and Stacy both were a little uneasy but agreed knowing this would be an amazing experience. That night the girl woke up abruptly from a nightmare and could not fall back to sleep. To get her mind off of the nightmare, she decided to take a stroll through New York’s Central Park....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chain Letter NO.4

Suddenly, Stacey feels someone grabbing her by the shoulders and screaming, “Stacey! Wake up Stacey!” This beautiful dream comes crashing down and she is quickly immersed into a horrific reality. “Oh, thank God!”, Ken exclaims after he sees her come back to consciousness. Stacey looks around and sees chaos all around her. Her head was throbbing as she noticed that her vehicle’s windshield was shattered and the front of the car was bashed in. From what she could figure, she had been sent flying from her car after colliding with Keith and had smashed her head on the ground. But almost more horrifying, was the state of Keith’s car. Not only was his windshield broken and front destroyed, but his car had been flipped several times.
She looked and could see a crowd of people surrounding the driver’s side of his vehicle, with two emergency workers in the middle. She knew that Keith was the one being attended to. Her eyes began to fill with tears as several emergency workers came sprinting to her side. They began to check up on her and asked her several questions, but all she could do was focus on Keith. She soon saw a stretcher being brought over to his position as she could see his lifeless body being secured down…

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chain Letter NO.3

Ken and Stacey arrived at the stable in what seemed like only a few seconds. Even though she was in pain, Stacey didn’t want that ride to end. Being there with him felt so right to her and the idea that it was actually happening still hadn’t settled in. Being concerned for Stacy, Ken carefully helped her off of the saddle and carried her to the hotel lobby. The woman at the front desk gave once quick glance at the two, then realized the seriousness of Stacy’s condition and rushed to their aid. Ken explained what had happened and asked if there was a doctor to be found. “Oh of course.”, replied the woman. “We have our own personal doctor here on the hotel site. If you could take her to the Western Wing, I’ll call one of the nurses over there and have them prepare things for your arrival.” Ken did exactly as he was directed and rushed her to the West Wing.
Just as the woman had said, the nurses had everything ready upon their arrival. “If you could just have her seated in this wheel-chair, we will take her back to see Dr. Huddly immediately.”, said one of the nurses. Ken gently placed her in the chair and watched as the nurse rushed her into one of the back rooms…

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chain Letter NO.2

Stacey had to make sure that she looked her best before going back out and facing Roberto. She fixed her blonde locks to make sure they looked perfect, checked her makeup, and made sure her outfit was without a single blemish. She walked out of the bathroom with a sense of purpose and an ease in her manner. As she walked by Roberto’s seat, she gave him a look and he returned with a glance of his own.”Yep, he noticed me”, she thought proudly to herself. She returned to her seat very content and much happier than before.

The rest of her flight went by fairly quick and they landed in Paris right on time. On her way off, she made eye contact with Roberto one last time, but now, she had to focus on the task at hand. She quickly recovered her luggage from the baggage claim area and found a taxi waiting near by. She hopped in and asked where to find a nice hotel. The man, puzzled by her question, began to speak in French.”Oh of course.”, she said to herself. She grabbed her French translator and then proceeded to say, ”Où puis-je trouver un bon hôtel?” The man’s face then lit up and he answered. “Oh je sais l'endroit parfait, ma petite dame.”, which means, “Oh, I know the perfect place, little lady.” Stacy became very excited as she was off on a new and thrilling adventure.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chain Letter NO.1

Just in case you're wondering, those labeled "chain letter" are pieces that ive written for an ongoing chain letter that i and my family are doing. It will probably be difficult for you to understand the plot due to the fact that you are missing so many other letters, so dont be surprised if it doesnt make sense.

As Stacy was strolling along in this magical place known as Central Park, she ran into a tall, goofy looking man with blond hair and an elf costume on. The man exclaimed,”Hi, my name’s Buddy. I’m looking for an engine that belongs to Santa. He lost it while flying. Have you seen it anywhere?” Because she was deaf, Stacy could not hear what this ridiculous man was shouting at her. She gestured to her ears and softly said,”I can’t hear you.” Buddy immediately understood that she was deaf and decided that he should take her along with him. After explaining what he was looking for, they went tearing off through the park in search of Santa’s engine...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hurricanes Breakdown

The end of the NHL season is quickly approaching, as there are only ten games remaining on the schedule for most teams. The Hurricanes, just as many other teams, are making a push for the playoffs in the East. Carolina has been dancing all year between the ninth spot and the eighth spot, as they sit in ninth currently and only one spot out of the playoffs. The Canes previously held that final spot, but only as of late have the yielded their position to the Buffalo Sabres. Carolina has not played well in the past ten games. At the trade deadline, the Canes made what appeared to be an emphasis on making the playoffs, as they brought back the aged veteran, Corey Stillman. Typically, such a move will bring forth a push from the team, but Carolina has yet to experience this. Unfortunately, I believe these woes will continue for the Canes and they will come up just short of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. In all honesty, their play as of late is not deserving of the playoffs. I see the Buffalo Sabres and New York Rangers holding off the final two spots in the East, as they have shown they deserve a shot at Lord Stanley's Trophy.