Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Sports?

Some ask me,"Why do you like sports so much? It means absolutely nothing." This question has come to me and many different occasions. It's not so much that I am looking towards it to help this nation to become something new and amazing. That would be a stupid thing to say. Honestly, when it comes down to it, sports is pointless. Yes at the amateur level, it can be an excellent form of exercise and help build social connections, but at the pro level, it is completely useless. I love pro sports, but it really does not matter.

I would have to say that I love it for some other reason. I have personally played almost every sport, wether its just with friends on a regular basis or in a league, I've tried them all. I've experienced how difficult they can be and how strenuous they can be. I understand how difficult they are. I think that's where the love and appreciation comes in. When I watch sports, I am able to watch the athletes and understand how skilled they are and how they are able to make everything seem so easy. It never ceases to amaze me. A man of ESPN once said that people are able to enjoy sports by vicariously experiencing things through the players, and I would have to say that is right.

People all around the globe love and enjoy sports. It is something interesting, without a doubt. Even in the poorest and darkest corners of the earth have their favorite form of competing athletically. It leaves lots of people wondering, but honestly, its simple to understand. The idea of becoming that guy that people look up to, the idea of being able to pull of that play or move, the idea of becoming something great and new keeps the minds of people captivated. That is why we "love to play the game".

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