Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting a Job

The youth of this age, which most certainly includes myself, is lazy. Plain and simple. The majority of us can easily sit back, do our school work, occasionally help around the house, and rarely ever going out to help our community. We talk big on politics, yet most of us cannot honestly understand it and fully comprehend the different consequences that come with it. A great way to be able to contribute to both of these major problems, we can go out and get a job.

Some may say that the economy is too bad to be able to find a job. That statement is ridiculous. Yes, a man or woman who is trying to support their family may not be able to get a sufficient job, but a teenager can most certainly find a job. That is a lame excuse that some use so that they can continue their lazy and pathetic ways. Fast food places, car washes, restaurants, appliance and grocery stores, and many more options. The choices are virtually endless, you just have to go out and look.

Through this job, an individual can learn about his own community and even more about his country. They can see the conditions of other and stride to help them. It is an excellent way for them to be active in the community and not some lazy couch potato. Also, through the money they earn, they can learn to be much more involved with their politics because it will directly affect them. They will be able to form their own views and opinions, rather than just what Rush Limbaugh says.

Getting a job is an excellent thing for the young people of our age. The advantages and experience that come with it will immensely help them in years to come. Besides, one of the biggest advantages to a job is the fact that they can now have some extra cash of their own, rather than just their parents.

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