Sunday, November 28, 2010


Christmas, the beloved celebration of our Savior Christ Jesus, is a cherished and much enjoyed holiday. The famous use of Christmas Trees and boxed presents is a ritual that comes every year as well. As young children, nothing beats tearing off the wrapping paper and seeing what Santa got for them this year. The receiving of gifts was most certainly the best part of this holiday season, but as I grow older, this is not so much true anymore. Of course, I will always cherish the fact that it marks Christ's birth, but I now look forward to giving gifts rather than receiving them.

The fact that my parents and my family are well off is obviously not avoidable. Shortage of money does not come often. Needless to say, I have been able to buy things and receive them throughout the years. This year, Im having the hardest time thinking of what I actually want for Christmas. The list is up to two things and I don't see it increasing any time soon. Honestly, I find this to be an amazingly good thing that I'm proud to speak of. This whole thing has certainly helped me in changing my thought to giving rather than receiving, but I would not say is the main reason.

The main reason, in my opinion, is that with my growing of age, I begin to have closer and closer ties with those I care about the most and I honestly love to see them sincerely happy to receive something from me. The idea of actually getting the perfect gift, the one that means something to them, makes me smile to even think about. I honestly cannot wait for this Christmas season to finally kick-off for me (which will come as soon school is over), because then the excitement of getting the perfect gift will finally begin.

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