Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last Week of the Quarter

School is normally bearable. Studying for for two tests in a week can be done, homework in most classes per night, and normal school work is easy. But the last week of every quarter, especially the second and fourth, is absolutely horrible. Teachers, maybe not because its their fault, tend to put one or two tests on the last week of the quarter, forcing the students to have almost ten tests in one week.

On top of the fact that we are forced to study, which is very stressful, the idea of getting a "B" or taking an exam puts just an extra amount of stress on us. This week, I personal have had nine tests and also have three classes that are on the boarder of a "B" and "A", pushing up the stress levels. I know that I am not the only person in the school that is in this position.

I know that the teachers sometimes cant help this situation, but it would be nice if they could work on it. Putting this amount of pressure on teenagers cant be good. The bad thing is also, I know this same thing is going to happen next semester.

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