Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4th Quarter

Well, the end of 3rd quarter was indeed horrible. The teachers crammed on numerous tests in a very long two week period. Fortunately, I and the other students knew this was going to happen. Every quarter ends in chaos, at least at NRCA. What we didn't see coming was that this horrible nightmare would continue into the 4th quarter. This quarter has been a continuum of those very stressful two weeks and does not appear to get any better. Even Spring Break won't be that much of a "break" seeing how the AP Exams begin the week we get back. That means learning half of the book by myself and re-learning the other half that we discussed and forgot right after the test...needless to say, I'm not exactly looking forward to Spring Break.

The summer can't come soon enough for me and for probably the rest of the kids in AP BIO. I'm not saying that there are not other kids looking forward to summer-seniors want it more than I do-but AP Bio has been truly horrible. Can't wait for this to be all done...

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