Sunday, December 5, 2010


Every kid loves to see and play in the snow. I am no exception. When snow fall comes, I am the first one to rush to the windows and stare at the magical flakes fall down from the cloudy skies. I sit and watch as they get bigger and bigger and bigger as I hope for some imaginable amount of precipitation. I honestly could just sit and stare at the snow all day I love it so much, but playing in it is just as awesome.

When my families African exchange student was here, we had our seven inch snow fall. Needless to say, I now had another boy in the house who loved the snow. We made a three mile walk to one of my friends houses as we played for hours in the new fallen snow. We played football, made snow men, went sledding, and had the snowball fight that everyone always wishes for.

I cannot wait to see if this year is going to bring us lots of snow this year. I hope that we are able to have a White Christmas, another far off fantasy. If we were to have a White Christmas in North Carolina, my life would be complete.

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