Friday, December 3, 2010


Lots of people my age say that they know exactly what they want to do with their life and they know exactly which college they want to go to. When someone asks me, I reply with a simple shoulder shrug and a, "I dont know". I have absolutely no idea which college or even what major I am going to do.

Some people tell me that I'm too young to know, but yet I should be starting to send out my applications next year, so shouldn't I have at least an idea? I can't think of what I want to do. My dad is a doctor and one of my brothers is in med school, maybe I should also go to med school. I've got no idea.

Hopefully sometime soon I'll know what I want to do. Until that moment, Ill still be that kid who's got no plan for my life. Honestly though, I think I can live with that title for just a little longer.

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