Saturday, October 2, 2010

Illegal Money

This season, UNC football has had many problems. They were supposed to have good team this year, but due to the suspensoins that have been handed out to many of the starters, they have struggled greatly. These suspensions have been due to money given to certain players, which directly violates NCAA policies. These suspensoins have brought great misfortune to the overall success of the team and will more than likely continue to plague them if they continue.

These suspensoin have been handed to thirteen different players, eight of which are starters. Obviously, these have dramatic effects on the overall success of the once highly ranked team. The major problem with this is that the agents of these highly recruited players have absolutely no reprimmands. These agents are the ones who strongly push for the extra money to be paid to the players because they gain a large percentage of this profit. Although yes the player and team are commiting illegal acts, they should not be the only ones punished. In all fairness, the agent should be recieving punishments that are equal, if not more than that of the players.

Although UNC is the only major team to be caught for doing this as of late, they are in no way the only team doing it. Players and agents are becoming more and more greedy and college football programs have plenty of money to offer to these semi-pro athletes. If this problem is not addressed by the NCAA, it will only become worse. The same thing that is happening in the MLB with performance enhancing drugs will occer in the NCAA. Major League Baseball has had many problems as of late with numerous players, some even being all-stars, coming out and admitting to taking these drugs. The MLB is now having to find these players and dealing with them as needed, but it could have been avoided if they had taken care of it when the problem became apperent.

If the NCAA doesn’t take care if this illegal giving of money, the problem will most definitely come back against them. They must root out those teams that are providing this money for the players and issue the appropriate punishments. The game itself is changing drastically, especially at the college level, but if this problem is not dealt with, the game will take a dramatic step in an undesired direction.

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