Saturday, September 11, 2010

If Only Life were Like That

I often wonder what life would be like if I were the creature that I call my best friend. I could wake to the sound of feet bustling around me, but never be in a hurry to get anywhere myself. The only injustice in life would be that the food bowl wasn’t full at the same time it was the day prior. I could come and go as I pleased and sleep all day, never once worrying about other’s schedules or rules except for the ones that excited me. If only life were like that.

Every doorbell ringing or shadow moving in the depths of the room would be just another game and not a threat or annoyance to everyday life. I would never worry about my duties because I had none to be concerned about. Shelter, food, and clothing would be a guarantee, not an uncertainty. My facial expressions would not be misinterpreted and if someone ever yelled my name it would be because they loved me and cared for me and I knew no better. If only life were like that.

Every toy would be mine because I would be the king of my own world without even a fight. Pleasing God or any other higher deity would be no major difficulty because my mere existence is but a praise in itself. Everything would be brought to me and provided for me, and I wouldn’t even know this was a luxury. It’s my right. It would just be another part of my world. My kingdom. If only life were like that.

Peer pressure would not be a problem to me because it would not exist. Drugs, alcohol, sex, and other worldly desires that occur around me constantly would never tempt me nor come after me. I could roam the hallways and not be self conscious about the way I dress or act. I would have no recollection of my disastrous deeds because I knew not of the past. I would live in the present, the moment that is. Oh if only life were like that.

My future education, spouse, occupation, and family would never cross my mind because every day would be the same, which was a born right and not a gift. The meaning of my life, my destiny, would never haunt me because I would have no way of understanding the concept. The death of a beloved one, someone I cared about and cherished every moment with. Someone I looked up to and admired with all my being. Their passing would not have to be a heart aching goodbye that I could never forget. They say it’s a dog’s life, and it is. It’s the dog I care about, and sometimes I wish my life were like that.

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