Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Raleigh Youth Council(RYC) is a group of high school students who get together and do things throughout the community. Every other Monday, these students and their City Adviser, Daniel Price, get together and discuss what potential community services they could try to attend and accomplish. These particular meetings are run by the students themselves as they have their own elected leaders.

Not only does RYC offer excellent opportunities for students to get community service hours, it also allows one to meet new people and try new experiences. Students come from all different backgrounds and from all different schools, thus making RYC very diverse. During certain community events, one would also be able to work with different professionals and test different fields.

RYC is an excellent program and is highly advised for students who want to be a part of their community. The experiences are memorable and the students are affable human beings. RYC's doors are always open and hope to see you soon.

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