Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Without a doubt, cooking is one of my passions. From cooking omelets in the morning to fettuccini alfredo for dinner, virtually all kind of cooking is exciting and interesting to me. My specialties are fried rice, grilling, fettuccini alfredo, and virtually all breakfast foods. My favorite part about cooking is that I get to customized it to my liking. I am able to spice my food how I want to and I am able to cook it as long as I want to.

My father, a very good cook as well, is the one who probably has helped me developed in my cooking the most. My dad likes to add lots of ingredients to his food items, which has allowed me to see how to prepare each ingredient, such as garlic. Preparing fresh garlic is very important and it is valuable for a good cook to know how. My father has taught me how to use fresh garlic and it is a skill that I am very happy that I know, although it is not at all difficult.

Also cooking has allowed me to have a larger appreciation for fresh food. In today’s world, virtually all food is prepared for us. Although most people love this, I detest it. I think it is a tribute to how lazy our society has become, but that is a totally different topic. Knowing how to cook allows me to be able to understand how much different things are when they are prepared in your own kitchen as opposed to just heating it up in your own kitchen. It also has allowed me to understand the value of healthy foods and how to prepare easy yet tasty meal that are good for our bodies.

Knowing how to cook is something that I take great pride in and something that I intended to practice throughout my life time. I will always be glad to cook for myself and for others and I hope that I am able to help others know how to cook in the future. To me, there is nothing like being able to run around the kitchen frantically while preparing the meal, and then being able to sit down and enjoy the food with others.

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